Mark Your Calendar for March 10, 2021

The Inaugural Celebration of Sterile Packaging Day!

Sterile packaging is a silent hero that plays a critical role in everyone's health and well-being. These innovative pouches, trays and packs protect life-saving medical devices, supplies and pharmaceuticals from harmful bacteria and particulates that can compromise their efficacy and safety. From your baby's first immunization ... to in-patient surgical procedures ... to the daily administration of insulin and other life-saving medications, your safety is assured thanks to sterile packaging's adherence to rigorous quality standards. At the Sterilization Packaging Manufacturers Council, we invite you to learn more about sterile packaging, get involved and celebrate Sterile Packaging Day with us on March 10, 2021! Our Toolkit will show you how.

A Statement From SPMC Chair Dhuanne Dodrill

What Sterile Packaging Day Means to Me

Whether mending a minor scrape with a bandage or receiving lifesaving medical care in a hospital, sterile packaging has touched all of our lives.

As Chair of the Sterilization Packaging Manufacturers Council, I recognize the tremendous responsibility that exists when manufacturing a product that directly impacts patient lives. It is critical that medical devices are delivered to the patient in a manner that is clean and safe. This is especially true when the patient is your child.

As the mother of a child who was critically ill and who required extensive medical care, I know first-hand that the products contained in sterile packaging can be life-saving and life-changing. While I had so many worries, the sterility of these critical products was not one of them. I will be forever grateful to very many people that ensured we had a good outcome and am so proud to be part of a supply chain that works tirelessly to support the sterile delivery of medical devices.

With the continuous advancement of medical treatments and lifesaving therapies, we recognize sterile packaging as a silent hero of the healthcare world. – Dhuanne Dodrill

Partnering for Excellence

Sterile Packaging Day Celebrates Safety in Healthcare

SPMC founded Sterile Packaging Day to recognize and thank all of our partners in the supply chain who work together to deliver innovative, safe and sterilized devices and supplies to medical experts in order to provide excellence in patient care.

Celebrating These Foundational Elements

The Three Pillars of Sterile Packaging Day

Patient Safety

Patient safety is at the heart of sterile packaging. Doctors, nurses, EMTs, caregivers and even patients themselves can effectively administer care thanks to the safety and integrity of the sterile packages protecting the medical devices and supplies they need.

Peace of Mind

When you or a loved one requires medical care, your focus is on a successful outcome and recovery. Knowing that the medical tools necessary for treatment are protected from contamination offers you and your medical team important peace of mind.

Supply Chain Strength

From the procurement of the raw materials, to the stringent manufacturing process of the package itself, every link in the supply chain plays a vital role in creating protective packaging that can withstand rigorous sterilization processes and maintain its sterility until it's opened.

Bringing the Care Continuum Together on Sterile Packaging Day

Five Easy Tips to Help You Celebrate!

TIP #1: Recognize and thank an esteemed professional who works with sterile packaging on a daily basis.

Take a moment to recognize and give thanks to a friend, colleague, mentor or loved one who designs, sterilizes or opens the packaging to ensure life-saving devices are sterile at point of use. The SPMC has shareable graphics to help you say thanks.

Download Shareable Graphics

TIP #2: Raise awareness for the value of sterile packaging.

Spread the word to your network to raise awareness for the importance of sterile packaging. The SPMC has a shareable infographic that highlights key facts and statistics to find out more.

Download the Infographic

TIP #3: Show your support for healthcare professionals.

Support your local healthcare professionals by bringing in breakfast items or a healthy lunch. They work long hours, face an incredible amount of stress and deserve recognition. Please call ahead to find out if the facility has any rules for accepting food or meals.

TIP #4: Donate blood or organize a blood drive.

Sterile Packaging Day is an event focused on the patient. We can positively impact lives and help countless others by donating blood. And thanks to sterile packaging, you can rest assured the blood collection kits are sterilized and safe for you!

Organize a Blood Drive

TIP #5: Identify the sterilized products all around us.

Organize a scavenger hunt and identify the variety of sterilized products in your home, the office, and your doctor's office. Download a PDF from the SPMC to start your hunt for common, sterilized products you rely on.

Download the Scavenger Hunt PDF

Interested In More? Use And Share These Resources

Raise Awareness For Sterile Packaging Day

DOWNLOADABLE GRAPHICS | Download, share, print and post these high quality graphics to raise awareness for Sterile Packaging Day and the many professions which work together to deliver safe healthcare!

Infographic: Sterile Packaging by the Numbers

Sterile packaging plays a key role in the quality and safety of our healthcare. This infographic highlights the importance of this silent hero in our daily lives.


Infographic: Sterile Packaging's History and Impact on Healthcare

The importance of sterile packaging in healthcare settings cannot be overstated. Learn about its origins in the 1800s, the role it plays today in preventing infection, and the common medical devices and equipment it protects.


Scavenger Hunt: Find Sterile Packaging in Your Home

You'd be surprised at how much we rely on sterile packaging in our everyday lives. Use this PDF to identify products in your home and office, or make it a fun family activity by going on the hunt with your children!


Shareable Graphics: Recognizing Colleagues

The pandemic has placed tremendous demands on the entire healthcare industry and the companies which supply them with lifesaving equipment and medications. Use one of these three downloadable graphics in combination with your message to show your appreciation and support of an esteemed colleague on social media. Be sure to use #SterilePackagingDay.


Shareable Graphics: Patient Care

Patient safety is at the heart of Sterile Packaging Day. Use these four downloadable graphics depicting various aspects of medical care to underscore your Sterile Packaging Day social media messages and events. Be sure to use #SterilePackagingDay.


Shareable Graphics: Sterile Packaging

Sterile packaging protects countless medical devices, medications and everyday items from harmful contaminants and particulates. Use these five downloadable graphics of sterile packaging in combination with your messages to raise awareness for Sterile Packaging Day through social media. Be sure to use #SterilePackagingDay.


Shareable Graphics: Manufacturing and Testing

A secure and committed supply chain ensures that sterile packaging maintains the highest quality standards. Use these four downloadable graphics depicting various aspects of package manufacturing, filling and quality control with your social media messages to amplify Sterile Packaging Day. Be sure to use #SterilePackagingDay.


Get the Resource, Raise Awareness

Sterile Packaging Day Toolkit

March 10, 2021 is Sterile Packaging Day! SPMC encourages you to celebrate this inaugural event recognizing the critical role sterile packaging plays in patient safety. This FREE downloadable document contains information and ideas to help you celebrate all of the professionals in the care continuum who rely on the efficacy and safety of sterile packaging to deliver quality patient care.

Get the Toolkit

With Thanks To The Event Sponsors